Is vanillin only used to add flavour and fragrance?

While vanillin is often used to add flavour and fragrance, it also has excellent masking properties as well as antimicrobial properties.

Vanillin is well known for its warm flavour and fragrance, but the molecule also has other properties which makes it a key component in the food industry.

Masking properties

Vanillin is highly effective in masking unwanted tastes and smells. For instance, when added to dark chocolate, it eliminates the bitterness of the cocoa beans. Similarly, in bread and cakes, it resolves the issue of yeast's flavor note. In protein bars and drinks, vanillin can effectively hide the undesirable taste of protein sources like soy or whey.


Vanillin's powerful antimicrobial properties help inhibit the growth of yeast and molds in food products, enhancing their stability and resistance throughout their shelf life. This ensures that the end product remains fresh and free from spoilage.


Further reading | Vanilla vs. vanillin