Using Bioethanol in the Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry has an opportunity to contribute to sustainability efforts by exploring bio-based alternatives.

In recent years, there has been a growing global emphasis on sustainability and reducing our environmental footprint. With the 2030 Climate Target Plan, the Commission proposes to raise the EU's ambition on reducing greenhouse gas emissions to at least 55% below 1990 levels by 2030. Industries across the board are reevaluating their practices, and the pharmaceutical industry is no exception. One significant avenue for reducing its environmental impact is by replacing oil-based chemicals with more sustainable alternatives. Before exploring why and how this transition can be made, let's look at the three types of ethanol available.

Synthetic Ethanol

Synthetic ethanol is produced through chemical processes, often using fossil carbons. While efficient and independent of agricultural resources, it contributes to carbon emissions and can not be considered a sustainable solution.

Conventional Bioethanol

Fermented ethanol is often made from food crops like corn or sugarcane. While this is often considered a sustainable alternative, it competes with food production and has a higher carbon footprint than for example ethanol that is primarily derived from lignocellulose.

Advanced Bioethanol

Bioethanol primarily derived from lignocellulose is produced using waste from plant materials. While the production process is complex, the ethanol has a substantial lower carbon footprint.

Why Choose Advanced Bioethanol?

By choosing advanced bioethanol, first and foremost, you are potenially able to reduce your scope 3 emissions substantially, even more so than with conventional bioethanol. Furthermore, synthetic ethanol are finite resources and by switching to sustainable alternatives, the pharmaceutical industry can potentially ensure an environmentally healthy supply chain for critical raw materials.

With advanced bioethanol, pharmaceutical companies may enhance their brand reputation and marketability by adopting environmentally friendly practices.

In conclusion, the pharmaceutical industry has an opportunity to contribute to sustainability efforts by exploring alternatives to oil-based chemicals. By potentially reducing their environmental impact, pharmaceutical companies may position themselves more favorably in a market increasingly attuned to eco-friendly practices. While this transition requires efforts along the complete supply and value chain, the long-term benefits for both the industry and the environment are promising.

Learn more about how ethanol can be used as a sustainable solvent in the pharmeceutical industry